BSTP: PSS/E Automation Workshop + Antares Workshop and System Adequacy Study Phase II

Black Sea Regional Transmission System Planning Project (BSTP), Tashkent October 2019
Black Sea Regional Transmission System Planning Project (BSTP), Tashkent October 2019
Black Sea Regional Transmission System Planning Project (BSTP), Tashkent October 2019

Through Adequacy Study the balance of production and consumption is checked on the basis of all hours of the year and more climatic and hydrological situations as well as the various availability of thermal units through implementation of the MC principles.

The market simulator used in the scope of this study is ANTARES software tool, a sequential ‘Monte Carlo’ multi-area simulator developed by RTE whose purpose is to assess generation adequacy problems and economic efficiency issues.

Antares Workshop has been carried out at the end of the project.

In addition, PSS/E automation Workshop has been carried out where BSTP members learnt Python automation procedure used for continuous load flow calculations which is in line with current ENTSO-E guidelines for Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) of Grid Development Projects.