European Bidding Zone Review with Flow-based Approach and Electricity Market Analyses (Phase II)

Review with Flow-based Approach and Electricity Market Analyses  (Phase II)

client: Austrian Power Grid – APG (Austria)

type: Study and Software

finishing date: September 2017 (November 2017)

team: EKC and DMS Group (subcontractor); EKC team: Zoran Vujasinovic - Project Leader, D. Vlaisavljevic, I. Mihajlovic-Vlaisavljevic, D. Todorovic

The project is intended to provide to APG the analysis of network and market aspects of the Bidding Zone configuration, which would help APG to define its position towards the ongoing process of bidding zones review in Europe, especially regarding the resolution of Austria and Germany.

In the second phase of the project, additional activities are:

  • Development of a methodology for assessing different values of FRM (Flow Reliability Margin) in different configurations of Bidding Zones, within the Flow-based capacity calculations, focusing on the impact of renewable energy sources (RES)
  • TNA software upgrade, with the expansion of the functions of Flow-based calculation, taking into account the different tap positions of Phase Shifting Transformers (PST), as well as the different exchanges over the HVDC connections
  • Additional function of TNA software, for the Power Flow Decomposition (PFD).

Type of services provided:

  • Concept of impact of Bidding Zones to FRM values
  • TNA upgrades (PST, HVDC within Flow-based function)
  • PFD function of TNA software