Operational studies for the Emirate National Grid interconnection (Phase III)

United Arab Emirates
Operational studies for the Emirate National Grid interconnection

client: TRANSCO (UAE), EDF Cist (France)

type: Regional Study (Transmission)

finishing date: January 2008

team: EDF Cist (France) - EKC; P. Rousse (EDF) – Project Leader, EKC team: P. Mikša, K. Naumovski (MEPSO)

Objective of this study is to analyze performance of integrated power system of United Arab Emirates and their parallel operation. In this phase feasibility of connection of FEWA (Fujeirah) to already successfully connected ADWEA (Abu Dhabi) and, DEWA (Dubai) and SEWA (Sarjah) emirates. In scope was to evaluate all technical aspects before and after connection and to evaluate weather present defense plan mechanisms are sufficient in case of major disturbances to keep system stability and reliable operation.

Type of services provided:

  • Load flow analyses (steady state, contingency…)
  • Voltage profile and stability analyses
  • Fault analyses, switching analyses
  • Transient stability analyses
  • Primary control and frequency response analyses
  • Defense plan mechanisms
  • Maximum exchange capabilities