Study of Electricity Losses in Transmission Network of Montenegro

Study of Electricity Losses in Transmission Network of Montenegro

client: CGES a.d. (Montenegro)

type: Study

finishing date: October 2018 (February 2019)

team: Milan Ivanovic - Project manager, B. Sijakovic, B. Brdjanin, S. Markovic and M. Vukovic - Consultants

The purpose of the study is to perform calculation of the losses for five last years, and then to assess the results and compare them with the losses recorded in CGES accounting department. With such data, the losses for the next three years are estimated (period 2019-2021) for different development scenarios of the electric power system (EPS) of Montenegro. It was necessary to assess the losses growth in relation to the commission of the new projects that are expected to be in operation in EPS of Montenegro. Losses are calculated according to 15 minutes intervals.

Type of services provided:

  • Load flow calculation
  • Losses assessment