Ukraine Power System Support Project (UPSS) – An Equivalent of the Ukrainian Transmission Network Simulation Model for the World Bank Generation Optimization Study (Phase V)

Ukraine Power System Support Project (UPSS) Phase V

client: USEA, USAID

type: Study (Transmission, Generation, Market)

finishing date: December 2015

team: Milos Stojkovic - Project Manager, D. Orlic

The World Bank has requested USAID provide it with an equivalent (with less detail) of the Ukrainian transmission network simulation model contained in the Black Sea Regional Transmission Planning Project (BSTP) regional simulation model. The equivalent model will be used as an input for a power generation optimization and market simulation study to be conducted by World Bank in support of future power sector loans to the Ukrainian Ministry of energy.

Preparation of the equivalent model requires refining and modifying of the Ukrainian BSTP system model such that generators are assigned to pre-defined transmission zones that are free of network congestion. It also requires calculation of internal transfer capacities between the zones; and the calculation of thermal limitations on transmission lines connecting Ukraine to neighboring countries.

Type of services provided:

  • Update a simulation model of the Ukrainian transmission network for two seasonal regimes for 2020
  • Determine transmission zones within Ukraine which can be presented as “copper plate”
  • Provide a list of generators and load participation for each zone
  • Provide thermal capacities for each interconnection taking into account 2020 reinforcements as well
  • Calculate the equivalent reactance of the interzonal links
  • Calculate the commercial NTC limits