Transmission Network Analyzer

Software designed for all operation of validating, fixing and merging and converting the load flow data sets, load flow and contingency calculations, NTC calculation, PTDF/Maxflow calculations, as well as short circuit analyses

Transmission Network Analyzer (TNA) is a software developed in cooperation of EKC and DMS Group.

TNA embraces all functions of EKC software Merlin and PSA, plus other extensive options and functions. TNA supports working with UCT and CIM xml data formats. It also provides conversion between UCT, CIM xml and RAW formats, in all directions.

TNA General Software Presentation

The modules of TNA are:

  • Model Manager, used for validating, fixing, merging and conversion of the transmission network models (UCT, CIM xml, RAW);
  • Static load flow and contingency checking (n-1, n-x) functions;
  • PTDF/maxflow calculations, according to the Coordinated flow-based Auctions processes definitions in Central-East Europe and South-East Europe;
  • Sensitivity analyses; OTDF, AC/DC comparisons, Post-auction analyses, ...;
  • Automatic Net Transfer Capacity Calculation (NTC);
  • Short circuit calculation;
  • Automatic Day Ahead Congestion Forecast (DACF)
  • Model builder - for developing and managing the network models in UCTE and CIM xml - CGMES formats.

TNA has the possibility of simultaneous running hundreds of different data sets ("scenarios"), which enables extensive parallel calculations and analyses.

TNA is used by the TSOs in SEE and CEE CAO Freising for the various load flow analyses and in Coordinated Auctions processes. TNA outputs are compatible with DrCAT and ECAMT auctioning tools.

TNA has been recommended by CEE Central Allocation Office Freising, in May 2012, for everyday usage by the TSOs and auctioning offices.

TNA_FORsee  is a software for producing 24h Forecast models, merging of the forecast models, and performing DACF analyses. It is provided for the 14 TSOs of Southeast Europe as an automatic DACF software tool. It supports working with UCT and CIM xml format.