EKC participation in project Technical Assistance in Support of Central Asia Regional Electricity Market (CAREM)

Project Strategy meeting on April 22-23, 2019 in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Project Strategy meeting on April 22-23, 2019 in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Project Strategy meeting on April 22-23, 2019 in Almaty, Kazakhstan

As a member Tetra Tech ES, Inc.’s team of USAID funded project, EKC participated Project Strategy meeting on April 22-23, 2019 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The main objectives of this 3 year project include support and technical assistance to countries of Central Asia to improve technical conditions of their transmission infrastructure, integrate the operation of all power systems, implement electricity sector reforms and increase the cross-border electricity exchanges.

The Central Asia Regional Electricity Market (CAREM) is a 3-year project sponsored by USAID. The leader of this multidisciplinary project is Tetra Tech ES, Inc. The project objective is capacity building of all five partnering Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan), and provision of technical assistance in their efforts to create and operate a modern, open and competitive regional power system that would enhance energy security, promote economic growth, facilitate commercial trade transactions, attract private investment into the power sector of all Central Asia countries, and allow for greater energy trade between Central Asia and countries in South Asia.

Within this project EKC provides technical advisory in review of the existing expansion plans, evaluation of the preparedness of each system for parallel operation and the extent to which national regulations facilitate cross border trades, national technical standards, as well as national and regional rules and regulations governing the operation of the power system.

In addition, EKC shall review national grid codes and transmission operating practices and evaluate the existing agreements for the normal operation of the interconnections (including inadvertent power flows), as well as for the system emergencies, existing communication arrangements (including SCADA) and metering schemes for cross-border energy accounting.

EKC shall also provide technical assistance to support consolidation of CDC Energy as regional coordinator of Central Asia Power Systems.