Analysis of Optimal Locations for Controllable Devices to Support Flow-based Market Coupling and Grid Operation in the CORE Region

Central Europe (CORE region)

Client: ELES d.o.o. (Slovenia)

Type: Study

Finishing date: February 2022 (October 2022)

Team: Dusan Vlaisavljevic – Project Leader, M. Ivanovic, I. Mihajlovic Vlaisavljevic, B. Lekovic, B. Lutovac, N. Georgijevic, O. Vukovic, B. Brdjanin

The main objective of the study was to perform power system and electricity market analysis in the CORE region, focused on the processes of flow-based capacity calculation, flow-based market coupling and coordinated security assessment, in order to assess the potential need and location for smart controllable device placement. The locations in the power grid of Slovenia and Hungary were considered, with benefits assessed in the context of CORE region as a whole, as well as on the level of Slovenia and Hungary.

The findings of the study served to a two-fold purpose:

  • Provide ELES with knowledge of preferable locations in Slovenian and Hungarian grid for the potential placement of controllable device(s) that could support market and grid operation and increase overall welfare.
  • Provide the proof of concept analysis that can serve as a starting point for large scale European research project aimed at developing full methodology, supporting software tools and assessing the optimal planning of advanced smart technologies (with focus on controllable devices) and their installation in the European power grid with a goal to enhance electricity market integration and power system operation.

Type of services provided:

  • Development European model in PLEXOS software for flow-based market coupling simulations.
  • Flow Based Capacity Calculation in the CORE region.
  • Flow Based Market Coupling analysis in the CORE region
  • Coordinated Security Assessment in the CORE region.
  • Analysis of optimal locations in Slovenian and Hungarian grid for controllable devices to support flow-based market coupling and grid operation in the CORE region.