Compliance of EMS AD Grid Codes with ENTSO-E Network Codes

Compliance of EMS AD Grid Codes with ENTSO-E Network Codes

Client: AD Elektromreza Srbije (Serbia)

Type: Study

Finishing date: June 2022

Team: Consortium IMP Automatika - EKC (Serbia); EKC team: Nebojsa Jovic - Project Manager, D. Vlaisavljevic, I. Mihajlovic Vlaisavljevic, D. Veljkovic, B. Lutovac

The project aims to assist the transmission system operator in choosing the approach to the implementation of network codes that deal with the regulation of the functioning of the electricity market in the Republic of Serbia. In achieving the project goal, the following services were provided:

  • Technical assistance in transposing and implementing EU network codes for the regulation of the electricity market
  • Providing recommendations for amending / drafting key elements of national rules in the field of calculation and allocation of cross-border transmission capacities
  • Development of proposals for strategic directions and possible alternatives in the field of creating a cross-border balancing energy market
  • Assessment of an economic impact of the early implementation of the requirements for the minimum transmission capacity margin available for cross-zonal trade (MACZT) as well as the application of the flow-based methodology for cross zonal capacity calculation.

Type of services provided:

  • Revision of the structure of national regulations
  • Recommendations for amending the provisions of national rules from the aspect of calculation methodology and allocation of cross-border transmission capacities
  • Economic impact study of MACZT requirement
  • Development of a business case for harmonization of EMS AD with EU regulations from the aspect of applied balancing mechanisms