Feasibility Study „Double 220 kV link Podgorica – Vau Dejes“

Albania and Montenegro
Feasibility Study „Double 220 kV link Podgorica – Vau Dejes“

client: TERNA (Italy)

type: Feasibility Study (Transmission)

finishing date: March 2012

team: Zoran Vujasinovic – Project Leader, T. Martinovic, S. Markovic, M. Vukovic - Consultant

This Study provides the analysis of the feasible and appropriate configuration for the construction and operation of the new double circuit 220 kV link Podgorica-Vau Dejes, as well as the related configuration for the operation of Albanian network, comparing the network conditions for the meshed and radial (one circuit) operation of a new line. This has to be in coordination with the specific generation pattern in Albania power system, following the plans for the construction of HPP Kalivaci at Vjosa river and other PPs in south Albania, related power transfers towards the north of Albania, and further to Montenegro and towards the HVDC cable.

The tasks performed:

  • Load flow, contingency and voltage profile;
  • Total and Net Transfer Capacities (TTC/NTC) between Albania and Montenegro contributed by the construction of the double line;
  • Estimation of Capital (CAPEX) and yearly Operational Expenditures (OPEX) volumes associated to the new interconnection realisation.

Type of services provided:

  • Load flow, contingency analyses
  • TTC/NTC calculation
  • CAPEX/OPEX analysis
  • Final Report