In-Depth Analysis of Transmission Options to Diversify Energy Supply - Moldova

In-Depth Analysis of Transmission Options to Diversify Energy Supply - Moldova

client: Moldelectrica (Moldavia), USEA, USAID

type: Regional Study (Transmission)

finishing date: October 2007

team: M. Vukovic, Dj. Dobrijevic, P. Miksa

Objective of this study is to review current stage of transmission network of Moldova, to identify bottlenecks and limits in energy supply as well as to determine maximal transfer capacity of the Moldavian electric power system. Also, analyses of potential new transmission tie-lines with neighboring countries, as well as internal lines, which will serve to diversify its energy supply, have been conducted. These analyses have been performed not only from point of view of Moldavian system, but also from regional point of view (i.e. influence of new potential new elements to maximum exchange capabilities between neighbor countries, through Moldavian system, have been analyzed, e.g. exchange between Romania and Ukraine).

Type of services provided:

  • Load flow analyses (steady state, voltage profile, contingency,…)
  • Model merging
  • Maximum exchange capabilities
  • Planning of transmission network