Moldova Power System Interconnection Analysis

Moldova Power System Interconnection Analysis

client: The World Bank, Moldelectrica (Moldova)

type: Development Plan Studies – Pre-feasibility stage

finishing date: September 2016

team: Predrag Miksa – Team Leader, Dj. Dobrijevic

Goal of the project is to analyze options to interconnect power system of Moldova with ENTSO-E Continental Europe grid, using asynchronous connection (HVDC - B2B) and maintaining connection to IPS/UPS interconnection (Russia, Ukraine...) in order to diversify supply of Moldovan power system. All options of connection should be analyzed including selection of most suitable HVDC technology including the proposal of all necessary network reinforcements to support secure and stable operation of Moldovan transmission grid.

Type of services provided:

  • Development plan and master plan analyses,
  • Load flow and Voltage profile analyses,
  • Short circuit analyses,
  • Static security analyses,
  • Reactive power compensation,
  • Dynamic modeling and analyses,
  • HVDC converters