Prefeasibility Study For Technical Solution of Connection of HPPs (51MW) of KELAG Montenegro Company to The EPS of Montenegro

Prefeasibility Study For Technical Solution of Connection of HPPs (51MW) of KELAG Montenegro Company to The EPS of Montenegro

client: Kelag Podgorica (Montenegro)

type: Study (Transmission, Generation)

finishing date: January 2010

team: Slobodan Markovic - Project Leader, M. Vukovic - Consultant, Dj. Dobrijevic, N. Jovic, A. Oros, B. Sijakovic

Objective of the Study is connection of new small hydro power plants HPP Pluzine 21MW (HPP Stabna 7.4MW, HPP Jasen 10MW and HPP Vrbnica - 3.5MW) and HPP Savnik 30MW (HPP Savnik -15.8MW, HPP Podmalinsko - 5.7MW, HPP Boan - 6.7MW, and HPP Sirovac - 1.7MW), to the transmission network of Montenegro, taking into consideration transmission development plans of 400, 220 and 110 kV network until 2013/2014. Prefeasibility Study of technical solutions and connections of hydropower plants HPP Savnik and HPP Pluzine, located in Pluzine and Savnik municipalities, is made from the aspect of marketing strength and electricity in Montenegro, security and respecting the criteria of least cost of building connections.

Bearing in mind that in the vicinity of objected power plants there are no substations on 400, 220 or 110kV voltage level, it was investigated several variants of connecting, where is assumed that the SS 110/35kV Brezna and SS 110/35kV Pljevlja are already built before entering objected power plants into operation. The following variants have been considered:

  1. Connection of HPP Pluzine and HPP Savnik on SS 110/35kV Brezna with 110kV OHLs
  2. Connection of HPP Pluzine on SS 110/35kV Brezna and HPP Savnik on 110/35kV SS Pljevlja with one 110kV OHL
  3. Connection of HPP Pluzine to SS 110/35kV Brezna and to SS 110/35kV Pluzine with 110kV OHLs and connection of HPP Savnik to SS Brezna with 110kV OHL
  4. Connection of HPP Pluzine to SS 110/35kV Brezna and to SS 110/3 kV Pluzine with 110kV OHLs and connection of HPP Savnik to SS Pljevlja with 110kV OHL
  5. Connection of HPP Pluzine to SS Brezna with one 110kV OHL and connection of HPP Savnik to SS Zabljak and to SS Brezna with 110kV OHLs

For Variants 3 and Variant 4 new SS 110/35kV Pluzine is necessary to be in operation. For each variant load flow analyses, voltage profile analyses (including static security analysis) and assessments of investment costs were performed, based on which the potential variant is proposed. In other words, the proposal that meet both, the technical requirements of connecting and low investments, is given. For all variants short circuit calculations have been performed, where results pointed out to a certain level of increase in the value of short circuit and their impact on existing and new equipment of lines and substations.

Type of services provided:

  • Load flow and voltage profile studies
  • (n-1) static security analysis
  • Techno-economical aspects
  • Short circuit analyses according to IEC 60909