SEE Electric Power System Evolution with Market and Network Analysis 2011-2016

Southeast Europe
Electric Power System Evolution with Market and Network Analysis

client: Terna Crna Gora (Montenegro)

type: Study (Transmission, Market)

finishing date: December 2012 (March 2014)

team: Tomo Martinovic – Project Leader, Dj. Dobrijevic, D. Orlic, M. Stojkovic, S. Markovic, A. Oros, Z. Vujasinovic – Consultant

The objective of the study is to analyze different scenarios of generation surplus in SEE region including Turkey and features of electricity market development, as well as to analyze the transmission network evolution in the period under analysis (2011-2016). Special aspect is the evaluation of influence of the world economic crisis to the regional power sector. Second part of the study consists of an impact evaluation of the new interconnection project on EHV and HV grid in order to define the potential increase of interconnection capacity between IT and ME resulting from the building of the new HVDC tie-line Italy-Montenegro.

Type of services provided:

  • SEE Area Data collection
  • Generation expansion plans/demand forecast and surplus capabilities
  • Assessment and evolution of transfer capacities between countries
  • Forecast of electricity prices range
  • Load flow and contingency analyses
  • Fault level analyses
  • Dynamic stability analyses