Software Provision and Support to ENTSO-E Bidding Zone Review Study
Client: Austrian Power Grid - APG (Austria)
Type: Software
Finishing date: September 2021 (November 2021)
Team: EKC – Schneider Electric DMS (Serbia); EKC team: Iva Mihajlovic Vlaisavljevic – Project Manager, D. Vlaisavljevic – Consultant, B. Lutovac, L. Mladjenovic
The project includes several upgrades to the existing PFC (Power Flow Colouring) module with the aim of aligning the current methodological approach with ACER’s decision on the RDCT CS (redispatching and countertrading costs sharing) process in the CORE region. These upgrades include changes in GLSK (generation and load shift key) usage, the changes in allocation of losses to neighbouring nodes, and expanding options for exporting results.
In addition, the consulting support to APG for the ENTSO-E Bidding Zone Review Study is provided as well.
Type of services provided:
- Software delivery with implemented upgrades on PFC module
- Support to ENTSO-E Bidding Zone Review Study