Study of the Possibility of Interfacing OPS-ODS in the Context of Electricity Market Development

Study of the Possibility of Interfacing OPS-ODS in the Context of Electricity Market Development

Client: AD Elektromreza Srbije (Serbia)

Type: Study (Distribution, Market, Software)

Finishing date: June 2022

Team: Consortium IMP Automatika - EKC (Serbia); EKC team: Nebojsa Jovic - Project Manager, M. Ivanovic, N. Georgijevic, B. Lutovac, L. Mladjenovic

The project aims to prepare a study that would lay the foundations for the coordinated work of TSOs, DSOs and all other market players in the Republic of Serbia. The project takes into account the further development of the TSO - DSO interface through existing and new processes that enable automation of business processes between all actors in the electricity market in order to efficiently manage the power system, all in accordance with European best practice and trends.

In achieving the project goal, the study includes the following activities:

  • Development of conceptual design of TSO - DSO interface in the necessary areas of coordination (system operation, market and system development) between operators with defined basic business processes to all relevant stakeholders
  • Development of proposals for possible ICT (information and communication technologies) architectures that enable the implementation of the conceptual design of the TSO - DSO interface through a centralized way of data management (Data Hub information system) based on the best world practice
  • Development of an implementation plan by phases of further development of the TSO - DSO interface with all relevant stakeholders / users of the interface (or Data Hub system) involved.

Type of services provided:

  • Data collection
  • Analysis of the existing level of coordination between TSO and DSO
  • Development of a conceptual solution of the OPS-ODS interface and definition of business processes for market organization, operational management and planning, network development planning and data management
  • Development of proposals for possible information and communication technologies for the implementation of OPS-ODS interface
  • Development of an implementation plan