Support to the Launch of Transmission System Organization in Tanzania (Phase I: Capacity Building and Power Flow Development Workshop)

Support to the Launch of Transmission System Organization in Tanzania (Phase I: Capacity Building and Power Flow Development Workshop)


type: Study

finishing date: September 2016

team: Nebojsa Jovic - Project Leader, B.Sijakovic

With the goal of building expertise at Tanzania Electric Supply Company (TANESCO) through extensive hands on experience, the Scope of Work of this project comprises the following activities:

  • Preparation of load flow PSS/E models for 2016 based on raw data on network element parameters provided by TANESCO prior to the training
  • 5 day load flow training program, including all necessary theoretical and practical elements, to prepare TANESCO to develop/improve its national load flow models for 2016
  • Preparation and presentation of the methodology for future model verification based on the real system data (snapshots)
  • Preparation of an outline for fault analysis as the next training topic (on-site input data collection, data implementation in PSS/E, modelling requirements)
  • Creation of a Training Report, comprising the developed models critical overview, recommendation for future steps, training overview and conclusions about the overall productiveness of the training
  • Preparation of verified final load flow models based on the real system data (snapshots) provided by TANESCO

Type of services provided:

  • Data collection and analyses
  • National network model development
  • Conduction of trainings
  • Model validation