Transmission Network Development Plan of Montenegro 2015-2029

Transmission Network Development Plan of Montenegro 2015-2029

client: CGES (Monenegro)

type: Study  (Transmission)

finishing date: December 2015

team: CGES - EKC Consortium; EKC team: Slobodan Markovic - Project Leader, B. Sijakovic, Dj. Dobrijevic, M. Vukovic and N. Jovic - Consultants

The objectives and the related key deliverables of the scope of work are to perform a 10-year development plan for the Transmission System Operator of Montenegro (CGES) in a standard internationally accepted form (according to ENTSO-E recommendations), however, reflecting a specific situation in Montenegro.

The main goals of the Plan are:

  1. To establish a list of projects with their basic characteristics to be implemented over a period of 10 years and beyond, and to propose the implementation plan and the corresponding time-scheduling.
  2. Connection of conventional and a significant number of renewables, most of which are in locations where the transmission network is poorly developed, and where the security of supply to consumers should be maintained with high standards.
  3. Anticipate potential uncertainties that may affect the operation of the transmission system in accordance with the complex legal and regulatory framework.
  4. Assess the impact of possible variations in the implementation of the projects

The basic document for Ten Year Network Transmission Development Plan, the latest Energy strategy of Montenegro. Grid Code of Montenegro and current Investment Plan of CGES for will be used.

Type of services provided:

  • Term horizon (5 years) – 2020;
  • Long term horizon (10 years) – 2025, and transmission network assessments for 2030;
  • The total demand for electricity and power on the transmission network level, for the three possible scenarios: pessimistic, realistic and optimistic;
  • Defining the connection points of the new production facilities;
  • Load flow calculation, voltage profile and security criteria assesment;
  • Short-circuits currents for single and three-phase faults according to the IEC 60909 standard on the busbars of the transmission grid;
  • Dynamic stability analysis;
  • ЕNTSO- E Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) - Based on the techno-economic analysis (CBA), for more than one variant, to propose the best version of the transmission grid development;
  • An overview of the 220 kV perspective taking into account its age.