
AAA Solvency Rating

AAA Solvency Rating 2019

EKC has been awarded AAA solvency rating for the second year in row in Serbia!

AAA solvency rating is awarded to companies whose business results records demonstrate systematic and high quality work.

AAA solvency rated companies are at the top of our Country’s economy. The criteria for awarding AAA rating are rigour and universal for all audited Companies.


OSMOSE Optimal System-Mix Of flexibility Solutions for European electricity

OSMOSE Optimal System-Mix Of flexibility Solutions for European electricity

EKC and 32 partners are preparing the necessary flexibilities for the electricity system of tomorrow

The integration of a rapidly growing share of non-dispatchable Renewable Energy Sources (RES) like wind and solar into the traditional electricity system will require a significantly increased level of (system) flexibility.

FutureFlow Project


With performance of onsite pilot tests, FutureFlow approaches to its final year (VIDEO)

By performing onsite pilot tests, by shifting outputs of prosumers, FutureFlow project enters the final year.

Automated Demand Response

Economic Chamber of Republic of Macedonia November 14th, 2018

Presentation of the EBRD funded project MEPSO ADR in Economic Chamber of Macedonia

EKC team delivered presentation of the successfully completed project MEPSO Automated Demand Response on November 14th, 2018. The session took place in Economic Chamber of Republic of Macedonia in the presence of representatives from MEPSO, EVN, Ministry of Economy, Regulatory Agency, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, ELEM, Macedonian large industries - direct customers and others.

AAA Creditworthiness Rating

EKC is delighted to announce that our Company has been awarded AAA rating for solvency excellence in Serbia!

EKC is delighted to announce that our Company has been awarded AAA rating for solvency excellence in Serbia!

AAA solvency rating is awarded to companies whose business results records demonstrate systematic and high quality work.


SECI Recognition for EKC

The Last SECI TSP Meeting Under the Patronage of USAID and USEA

The last SECI TSP meeting under the patronage of USAID and USEA was held in Vienna on October 24th, 2017. Since now, in the next two years, SECI TSP will work as a project of ENTSO-E working group CSE (ContinentSouthEast), with possibility to extend this duration.

FutureFlow Project

Future Flow Audit Evaluation

Succesfull audit of FutureFlow Project, by the European Commission

The consortium of the FutureFlow received excellent audit evaluation implemented by the European Commission at the end of the first third of the project.

FutureFlow Project

Future Flow Project Partners

FutureFlow Project Focusing on Consumers as Guardians of Power Systems

The FutureFlow project is now fully engaged and is progressing at full speed. The Project is already one-third of the way through. Twelve project partners from eight different countries are dealing with the challenges of a modern power system where consumers, equipped with state-of-the-art devices, are no longer just ordinary consumers, but can also produce electricity. Their potential is to become active players in power system security. Like guardians of the power system, contributing to the most challenging of all TSOs’ balancing services.

Analysis and Workshops

Black Sea Regional Transmission System Planning Project (BSTP)

Black Sea Regional Transmission System Planning Project (BSTP)

Black Sea Regional Transmission System Planning Project (BSTP) consists of three parts (one study and two workshops) with the following objectives:

FutureFlow Presentation

European Electricity Ancillary and Balancing Forum, Amsterdam 2017

FutureFlow Presentation at European Electricity Ancillary and Balancing Forum, Amsterdam 2017

The goals and current state of FutureFlow conceptual solutions for balancing and redispatching are presented at European Electricity Ancillary and Balancing Forum in Amsterdam, by EKC and APG representatives.
